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Writer's pictureLove Kate X

Happy 2023! Enjoy this letter to Kate in her first year of soul biz...

Well Hello There 2023!

This feels all kinds of lovely!

Another year, another opportunity for each of us to go gently, expanding into our soul brilliance, one intentional, mindful, and energetic moment at a time!

Summer Vibes have well and truly set in, and I’m writing this in my new office space, underneath a whirling fan. Despite the blinds being tightly shut, the room is still brightly lit as it attempts to keep out the hot hot sun - even though it's only 8 in the morning!

There's a spring in my step as I gently ease into another summer day where my family and I will enjoy long summer swims & salty skin, precious moments with soul family and extended day naps - thank you universe - more please!

This morning I received an awesome question from one of my ANNUAL PASS members. They were keen to hear my thoughts on what lessons I would have shared with past Kate. I was so thankful for this question as the words started pouring from my soul - so much so that I just knew I had to share them with my awesome community too!

There's so much more that I could add here but I want to remain true to the words that flowed so effortlessly in the moment...

Dear Kate - in your first year of biz (from Kate stepping into her 8th )

Please have more patience, love, and compassion for you and all you are bravely doing - soul work responds to an entirely different timeline and all the time, space and resources are exactly where, and as they need to be. If you’re feeling low, unworthy, not good enough - take a break - rest (it’s so productive!) and watch your soul biz THRIVE!

Comparison will steal your joy - stay in your own lane and remember community over competition always x

Invest in yourself - take time to treat yourself like a real business (because you are one and no outside validation makes that any truer than if you live this truth right now - ask questions, take the courses, get a coach or mentor (if you don’t already have one!) and remember, once you have all the right and aligned people in your world…YOU are the fuel (return to step one!)

Communicate - be honest about your journey and share it with the world - celebrate your wins and show up in your lessons - the greatest ally will be your community, and they want to support you, cheer you on AND be inspired by you!

Finally - remember you’re already doing it - (revisit step one) don’t hold back - you are all you need to be to make whatever you dream of flourish!

Seeking Soul Guidance? Don't forget there are many incredible ways you can access the soul support to step into your brilliance and live life golden! Activate your Sacred Soul System via The Sacred Soul System E-Course, Come Hang with us in Sacred Space, experience a 4 week Golden Immersion, join my three month ACCELERATE or dive in and come play for an entire year via THE ANNUAL PASS!

I'm so ready to fully support you and the energetics of your soul this year and beyond! Wishing you the most joyous and spiritually connected day.

I look forward to working with you soon!

In Golden Light,

Love Kate xoxo

PS Golden filled episodes of "Awaken You Sacred Soul System" episodes are uploaded every Friday on Spotify, Apple and wherever you find your podcasts!

PPS Let's connect and celebrate together!

What lessons would you share with a past-self version of you? DM @with_kate_darnell or reply to this email with your thoughts! I love hearing from you!


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